[Oral Presentation]Three-dimensional photonic crystal-based piezoelectric polymer films for strain sensor

Three-dimensional photonic crystal-based piezoelectric polymer films for strain sensor
ID:102 Submission ID:42 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-13 22:33:49 Hits:63 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2024-10-20 11:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S3] Nano-materials and Nano-coatings » [S3B] Session 3B

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Piezoelectric nanocomposites have been a vastly growing field of energy harvesting. They are applied in wearable electronics, strain sensors, mechanical actuators, and electromechanical membranes. This research was first reported with three three-dimensional polymer photonic crystals with different ratios. The PVDF is responsible for piezoelectric performance and is a promising polymeric organic material for converting applied mechanical stress into electric voltage. In addition, the TPU is widely used in the plastic industry due to its superior elasticity. Our work investigates the piezoelectric response analysis for different blending ratios of PC+PVDF/TPU. It has been found that PC blending ratios give higher output voltage at different stress conditions and higher photosensitivity. Then, TPU addition, with its superior mechanical elasticity, can partially compensate PVDF to enhance the piezoelectric response of the PVDF/TPU nanocomposite mats. This work can help increase strain sensitivity and mechanical elasticity with PCs.

photonic crystal,piezoelectric,strain sensor
Neha Yadav
PhD student Shandong university of technology, China


Submission Author
ASHISH YADAV Zibo; P.R. China;1. Center for advanced laser manufacturing (CALM); Shandong university of technology; 255000
Neha Yadav 1. Center for advanced laser manufacturing (CALM), Shandong university of technology, Zibo, 255000, P.R. China
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