[Poster Presentation]Enhanced upconversion properties of Nd3⁺-doped graphene quantum dots via surface engineering by benzoic acid, and terephthalic acid

Enhanced upconversion properties of Nd3⁺-doped graphene quantum dots via surface engineering by benzoic acid, and terephthalic acid
ID:125 Submission ID:54 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-15 01:12:31 Hits:69 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2024-10-19 08:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


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In this study, we investigate the upconversion properties of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) doped with Nd³⁺ ions, utilizing benzoate and terephthalate ligands as alternatives to citrate. These ligands enhance the upconversion efficiency of the Nd³⁺-doped GQDs by improving energy transfer processes. We analyze the electronic and band structures of these modified GQDs using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, revealing significant changes in energy band alignment following ligand exchange. Experimentally, we characterize the optical properties of the synthesized GQDs through UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Our results demonstrate an increase in upconversion efficiency, attributed to the electron-donor properties of the ligands and enhancements in energy transfer mechanisms. This study highlights the potential of ligand engineering to optimize the optical performance of GQD-based materials for applications in photonics, sensing, and bioimaging.
up conversion,graphene,Quantum dots,Doping
Mahboubeh Dolatyari
researcher Industrial Park of Advanced Technologies, Iran

Submission Author
Mahboubeh Dolatyari SP-EPT Lab.; ASEPE Company; Industrial Park of Advanced Technologies; 5364196795; Tabriz; Iran
Ali Rostami University of Tabriz
Ashish Yadav 山东理工大学
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Mr. Jiang Chao,        Tel. 18971299299

Dr. Liu Mingming,  Tel. 19862516876


Dr. Zhu Jian,         Tel. 15810878528 E-mail: zhujian@sdut.edu.cn
Dr. Zhang Xiuli,     Tel. 15064351998

E-mail: zhangxiulli@163.com

Prof. Guo Qianjian,   Tel. 13969397001

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