[Invited speech]Engineering functional surfaces by laser microprocessing

Engineering functional surfaces by laser microprocessing
ID:35 Submission ID:48 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-14 11:02:33 Hits:61 Invited speech

Start Time:2024-10-19 15:35 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S1] Surface Micro-Nano Fabrication and Additive Manufacturing » [S1B] Session 1B

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Laser micoprocessing has been considered as promising technique to enhance surface performance of materials or components in various applications including aerospace, IC, and biomedical devices. This talk will present recent work of laser surface techniques including hybrid joining for dissimilar materials and multi-functional processes. How the surfaces could be manipulated at various scales to obtain specific properties ranging from mechanical enhancement to multi-functional performance will also be elaborated on. Moreover, fundamental mechanism of individual laser technique will be discussed to explore its capability for practical applications.
Laser micoprocessing;hybrid joining;multi-functional processes
Yingchun Guan
教授 Beihang University, China

Submission Author
Yingchun Guan 北京航空航天大学
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Mr. Jiang Chao,        Tel. 18971299299

Dr. Liu Mingming,  Tel. 19862516876


Dr. Zhu Jian,         Tel. 15810878528 E-mail: zhujian@sdut.edu.cn
Dr. Zhang Xiuli,     Tel. 15064351998

E-mail: zhangxiulli@163.com

Prof. Guo Qianjian,   Tel. 13969397001

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