[张贴报告]Optimization of plasma cladding Fe5 coating process and study on wear performance of rotary tillage blade surface

Optimization of plasma cladding Fe5 coating process and study on wear performance of rotary tillage blade surface
编号:106 稿件编号:102 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2024-10-15 01:04:45 浏览:59次 张贴报告

报告开始:2024年10月19日 09:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


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Purpose: To cope with the harsh working environment of agricultural machinery, solve the problems of poor wear resistance and easy failure of soil contacting components such as rotary tillage blades, and extend their service life. Method: Plasma cladding technology was used to prepare iron-based wear-resistant coatings on the surface of rotary tillage blades. The optimal parameter combination was optimized based on response surface methodology: cladding current of 144A, cladding speed of 23mm/s, powder feeding rate of 23g/min, and cladding distance of 12mm. A wear-resistant cladding layer was prepared based on this, and its microstructure, phase composition, microhardness, and wear resistance were studied. Result: The results showed that the interface of the cladding layer was clean and tidy, without obvious pores and defects, and exhibited good metallurgical bonding with the substrate. Its main phase compositions include α - Fe, Cr7C3, Cr2Fe14C, and Cr-Ni-Fe-C solid solution. The average hardness of the cladding layer is 1171Hv0.5, which is about 2.9 times the average hardness of the substrate. In the wet sand rubber wheel wear test under the same working conditions, the wear weight loss of the cladding layer is only 1/21 of 65Mn, and the wear morphology is slight. In field experiments, the wear of rotary tillage blades with a cladding layer was reduced by 24.5% compared to those without a cladding layer; The presence of the cladding layer greatly protects the integrity of the blade edge, ensuring the cutting and throwing function of the rotary tiller, and allowing the rotary tiller to maintain its original appearance to the greatest extent after long-term wear and tear. The research results can provide reference for the wear-resistant strengthening of other soil contacting components
Rotary Tillage Blade; Plasma Cladding; Wear
jiang zeng
Hunan Agricultural University, China

jiang zeng 湖南农业大学
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