[张贴报告]Improving inter-particle deformation and bonding by preserving transient in-situ deposition temperatures during cold spray

Improving inter-particle deformation and bonding by preserving transient in-situ deposition temperatures during cold spray
编号:148 稿件编号:116 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2024-10-16 22:52:17 浏览:26次 张贴报告

报告开始:2024年10月19日 12:20 (Asia/Shanghai)


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Cold Spray (CS) represents a solid-state coating process with promising applications in localized repairs and additive manufacturing. However, the weak inter-particle bonding limits the deposit properties due to low plastic deformation. In this study, the high temperature of the transient in-situ deposition surface shortly after particle impact is proposed to promote inter-particle deformation and bonding. A new in-situ deposit surface is formed after solid particle deposition, showing transient in-situ temperature due to the heat transfer between this particle and the overlay deposit. An equivalent time method is devised to obtain the transient in-situ deposition temperature by significantly accelerating the computation speed by nearly 1,000 times. Meanwhile, based on spatio-temporal independence, the time interval between deposited particles reaches thousands of microseconds, showing that the in-situ deposition surface tends to the low substrate temperature. Reducing the time interval between particle impacts enables new particles to be deposited onto surfaces at elevated in-situ temperatures, thus promoting better inter-particle bonding. The results provide a basis for increasing the in-situ surface transient temperature to improve the deposit quality.
transient in-situ deposition temperature; solid-state deposition; cold spray (CS); particle impact; heat transfer
Xiaoxue Dong
博士研究生 Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

晓雪 董 西安交通大学
冠军 杨 西安交通大学
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