[口头报告]Thermal shock analysis of suspension plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings

Thermal shock analysis of suspension plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings
编号:31 稿件编号:45 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2024-10-14 11:01:03 浏览:58次 口头报告

报告开始:2024年10月19日 16:55 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S4] Thermal/Cold Spray Coating Technologies » [S4A] Session 4A


Thermal barrier coatings prepared by suspension plasma spraying have strain-tolerant structures, e.g. vertical crack and columnar structures, which have been proven beneficial to thermal shock performance. During extended thermal exposure, sintering-induced densification and stiffening behaviors need to be considered for the failure analysis. In this work, the fracture mechanisms induced by thermal shock and sintering are elucidated, shedding light on the multi-crack competition between branching cracks and interfacial cracks. Coating samples were prepared by suspension plasma spraying with a self-developed feeding system. Thermal shock behaviors were characterized via both water quenching and burner-rig tests. Temperature-dependent sintering models, as well as finite element algorithms for multi-crack competition, were further developed. Mechanisms of sintering-induced evolution and multi-crack failure under thermal gradient were analyzed. Results showed that interface strength was the controlling factor of multi-crack fracture mode, while accelerated sintering was responsible for the propagation of horizontal branching cracks near the surface.
Thermal Barrier Coatings,Suspension Plasma Spray,Thermal Shock,Sintering,Failure Analysis
Bowen Lv
副研究员 New Materials Research Institute of Guangdong Academy of Sciences, China

伯文 吕 广东省科学院新材料研究所
维文 傅 广东省科学院新材料研究所
杰 毛 广东省科学院新材料研究所
春明 邓 广东省科学院新材料研究所
畅光 邓 广东省科学院新材料研究所
敏 刘 广东省科学院新材料研究所
克崧 周 广东省科学院新材料研究所
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