[特邀报告]Research in nano-materials for flexible wearable sensors

Research in nano-materials for flexible wearable sensors
编号:85 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2024-10-13 21:41:51 浏览:61次 特邀报告

报告开始:2024年10月19日 10:05 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S3] Nano-materials and Nano-coatings » [S3A] Session 3A


Flexible wearable electronics has been developed rapidly penetrating into all fields of life and greatly promoting the development of the Internet-of-Things. Piezoelectric fiber membranes synthesized from polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) based electro-spun composite materials have great potential in sensing and energy harvesting, especially with the incorporation of various types of nano-fillers for enhanced sensitivity and energy harvesting efficiency. In this talk, I will introduce the use of various nano-materials such as ZnO, Ag nanoparticles, Turmaline, graphene, CNTs as fillers in PVDF and TPU matrix for fabricating piezoelectric or piezo-resistive flexible sensors. The effects of nano-materials on the sensor’s sensitivity, output performance, mechanical and surface properties are evaluated and analysed. Due to the synergistic effect of enhanced electrostatic field polarization and surface hierarchical structure, the sensors have unique multi-properties of fast response/recovery, high sensitivity to human movement (flapping, finger, knee, and elbow movements), piezoelectric nano-generation, flexibility and durability. This study demonstrated the role of nano-materials in fabricating high performance flexible wearable sensors being capable of sensing and energy harvesting, providing a guideline for the design and build-up of wearable self-powered device in healthcare and human-computer interaction.  
Nano-material; piezoelectric sensor; flexible wearable device; nano generator
Yongling Wu
Shandong University of Technology, China

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