[Oral Presentation]The vacuum interconnected nanotech workstation (nano-x):a new paradigm for surface and interface science research

The vacuum interconnected nanotech workstation (nano-x):a new paradigm for surface and interface science research
ID:36 Submission ID:40 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-14 11:10:15 Hits:51 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2024-10-19 11:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S2] Thin Film Technologies and Applications » [S2A] Session 2A

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The Vacuum Interconnected Nanotech Workstation (Nano-X) is located in the Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District, which is co-built by the CAS, Jiangsu Province, SuzhouCity and Suzhou Industrial Park. The construction started in April 2014 and completed the phase-l and ll in June 2019 and February 2023, respectively. lt is the world's largest multifunctional research platform for nano-science and nano-technology, which integrates the state-of art capabilities of material growth, device fabrication and characterization/tests together under ultra-high vacuum environment, By connecting different instruments to ultra-high vacuum pipelines, NANO-X is aimed to solve residual particles surface/interface oxides and adsorptions and other contaminations problems, which are intractable in conventional cleanrooms.
ultra-high vacuum,surface intersurface
Qing Zhang
Engineer Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (CAS), China

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Qing Zhang Sinano
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Mr. Duan Jindi,       Tel. 13971036507  

Mr. Jiang Chao,        Tel. 18971299299

Dr. Liu Mingming,  Tel. 19862516876


Dr. Zhu Jian,         Tel. 15810878528 E-mail: zhujian@sdut.edu.cn
Dr. Zhang Xiuli,     Tel. 15064351998

E-mail: zhangxiulli@163.com

Prof. Guo Qianjian,   Tel. 13969397001

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