Timetable of The 9th International Conference on Surface Engineering


Day 2,Oct. 19, 2024Saturday


Session 2A@Thin Film Technologies and Applications

2024-10-19 10:05 ~ 12:00

Intercontinental Dalian Grand Ballroom B(5th Floor)

Timetable V26 Updated:2024-10-17 12:10:28

Start End Duration ID Title
Session chair:Deen Sun,Guangan Zhang
10:05 10:25 20 117
10:25 10:45 20 40
Design of macroscale solid superlubricity towards engineering
Li Ji 研究员/Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics(CAS), China
Invited speech
10:45 11:00 15 56
Study on conductivity and corrosion resistance of MAX coatings
Guanshui Ma 副研究员/Ningbo Institute of Technical Materials and Engineering(CAS), China
Oral Presentation
11:00 11:15 15 7
11:15 11:30 15 95
The enhanced conductivity and corrosion resistance of hydrogen-free carbon-based nanocomposite coatings
Xiaopan Wu research associate/Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, China
Oral Presentation
11:30 11:45 15 36
The vacuum interconnected nanotech workstation (nano-x):a new paradigm for surface and interface science research
Qing Zhang Engineer/Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (CAS), China
Oral Presentation
11:45 12:00 15 97
Mr. Duan Jindi,       Tel. 13971036507  

Mr. Jiang Chao,        Tel. 18971299299

Dr. Liu Mingming,  Tel. 19862516876


Dr. Zhu Jian,         Tel. 15810878528 E-mail: zhujian@sdut.edu.cn
Dr. Zhang Xiuli,     Tel. 15064351998

E-mail: zhangxiulli@163.com

Prof. Guo Qianjian,   Tel. 13969397001

Registration Submission